Tag Archives: experimentation

Further Experimentation

After my wood piece went so successfully I wanted to experiment further with using different materials and see ways in which I could push the boundaries of this piece and my concept. After some research I came across the artist Martin Senn who creates three dimensional wire sculptures, these sculptures look very two- dimensional and so his work really struck me as it was similar to the ideas that I have been working with. After finding his work I decided to try using wire myself and first used some thin silver modelling wire to create outlines of each of my layers.


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I really liked how the piece looked once finished, however the wire was very flimsy and did not keep it’s shape very well. This meant that if I try to hang it in the way I would like to it will not work very well. This piece did give me a vision of how well a wire piece would look when hung, though. Due to the wire only being an outline the overall image will be seen from two viewpoints rather than one which I like the idea of. So I tried using a different type of wire which is a lot more sturdy in holding its shape. This piece was a lot more successful and I plan to hand it in the end of unit exhibition.

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I will be hanging this piece in the same way I did my previous pieces to create the perspective illusion.