Tag Archives: portrait

Final Piece From Start to Finish


Beginning of Final Piece

After creating my previous painting and it being successful I then set out creating my final piece. I decided this time to cut out the mouth and restrict this sense as I felt still having the eyes in the painting would involve the viewer more in the piece. I will be able to add a lot of emotion in to the eyes and this is something that people can connect with. I also decided to enlarge the scale of the piece as I feel having a large canvas also involves the viewer further in the work. It means they can move away and up close to the piece inspecting it from different distances and seeing how this changes their perceptions of it. I also feel a large scale has a larger impact on the viewers. below are the images of my final piece in its first stages, it still has a long way to go!

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Initial Painting

I decided to do a painting which draws all of my idea together for this project, this will also help me collate ideas for a final piece, hopefully improving upon the ideas in this painting. I took a reference photograph to paint from of my own face, I wanted the canvas to be primarily taken up by the portrait as I want the facial features to be prominent. Once the painting was done I took a scalpel and cut and ripped the area around the eyes letting the canvas hang down the painting.







I then added the fake flowers to the piece by taping them in to bouquets and poking them through the holes I created. I now only have the wax to add to this piece before it is completely finished.

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Development from Collage Work

I took inspiration from my last collage and decided to turn it in to a painting. I took some reference photographs and then painted a portrait with the mouth replaced with an eye. I like how this plays around with a persons senses and may also make some people feel uncomfortable, I want to be able to provoke a reaction in my viewers pushing their perceptions of y work.


I believe this painting has been very successful, I really like how the eye stands out because of the bright colours compared to the rest of the painting.

Further Experimentation

After my wood piece went so successfully I wanted to experiment further with using different materials and see ways in which I could push the boundaries of this piece and my concept. After some research I came across the artist Martin Senn who creates three dimensional wire sculptures, these sculptures look very two- dimensional and so his work really struck me as it was similar to the ideas that I have been working with. After finding his work I decided to try using wire myself and first used some thin silver modelling wire to create outlines of each of my layers.


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I really liked how the piece looked once finished, however the wire was very flimsy and did not keep it’s shape very well. This meant that if I try to hang it in the way I would like to it will not work very well. This piece did give me a vision of how well a wire piece would look when hung, though. Due to the wire only being an outline the overall image will be seen from two viewpoints rather than one which I like the idea of. So I tried using a different type of wire which is a lot more sturdy in holding its shape. This piece was a lot more successful and I plan to hand it in the end of unit exhibition.

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I will be hanging this piece in the same way I did my previous pieces to create the perspective illusion.

Reverse Gravity – Final Piece

After deciding to move on from my bird paintings I came up with the idea of reverse gravity and took some new photos to inform this theme. I hung upside down and captured gravity working on me .



My idea was to paint a portrait I would any other, the only difference being that gravity was playing a part on some parts of me in the wrong direction. My hair flowing upwards and my necklace also undergoing this reverse pull; I want this to challenge the viewers perceptions and make them question what is going on. After drawing up some concept sketches I was confident this was what I wanted to pursue and so I began a large scale a1 painting. Below is it in progress.

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I am very pleased with the final result which is shown below.
